Monday, June 4, 2007

Sguardi Sonori 2007 - Official Press Release


Sguardi Sonori 2007 is a festival of media and time based art featuring artists from New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Havana, Israel, Egypt and Italy.

Artists working in sound: Gary Chang, Neil Leonard, Olivia Block, Pamela Z, John Duncan, Phill Niblock, Katherine Liberovskaya, Steve Piccolo and Gak Sato, Amnon Wolman, Duprass (Ido Govrin and Liora Bedford), Patrizia Mattioli, Mauro Sambo, Ignazio Lago, CarDioTest, Fathi Hassan, Alessandro Pintus, Morena Tamborrino and Marco Benda Dj set. Emerging artists include Anthony Baldino, Jess Hewitt, Pierce Warnecke, recent graduates of the Music Synthesis Department del Berklee College of Music.

Artists working in video: Candice Ivy, Harvey loves Harvey, James Nadeau, Jen Schmidt, Justin Beckman, Matt Gamber, Taha Belal, Carlo Fatigoni, Fathi Hassan, Alberto Magrin, Alessandro Pintus, Gianni Moretti, Marco Benda and Marilena Vita, Pierce Warnecke.

Featured Exhibitions: Italian Dreams and Sognando l’Italia, works by Fathi Hassan, Maria Magdalena Campos Pons, Carrie Mae Weems, Carlo Fatigoni, Florindo Rilli, Marco Zoi, Daniele Brocchi, Alberto Magrin, Laura Troiano, Gianni Moretti.

Concert/Installation Venues:
June 20, Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Teatro Studio, Roma, Italy
June 21, Piazza Santa Sofia, Chiesa di Santo Spirito, Benevento, Italy
June 26-27, Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
June 28, Cattedrale di San Galgano, Siena, Italy

Exhibition Venues:
June 8 - 24 Teatro Junghans (Giudecca) Venice 
June 10 - July 8 July Rocca dei Rettori Benevento
July 15 - August 15 Scuderie Aldobrandini Frascati


Associazione Culturale FaticArt
Il Presidente
Carlo Fatigoni
Cell. 3334824310
Via Strada Eugubina, 217 – Bosco - Perugia



Date: June 20
City: Rome, Italy
Venue: Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Teatro Studio, Roma
Concert works by Neil Leonard, Olivia Block, Pamela Z, 
Steve Piccolo & Gak Sato
Sound Installation "Sanctuaries" by Gary Chang in the theater, 18:00
Concert: 21:00
Installation: 18:00
Directions in Italian and English

Date: June 21
City: Benevento, Italy
Venue: Piazza Santa Sofia
Concert works by Neil Leonard and Anthony Baldino, Jess Hewitt, Pierce Warnecke (Students of the Music Synthesis Department, Berklee College of Music), Dj set Obo Music
Sound Installation by Gary Chang, Chiesa di Santo Spirito, 17:00
Installation hours: 17:00-20:00
Concert: 21:00
Artists talk with Gary Chang and Neil Leonard: 17:00

Date: June 26-27
City: Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy
Venue: Chiesa di Santo Spirito
t. +39 041 2765001

June 26, 20:00, Isola di San Servolo, Venice
Neil Leonard
Gary Chang
Amnon Wolman
Phil Niblock & Katherine Liberovskaya
Pamela Z
Patrizia Mattioli
Dj set Obo Music
Sound Installation "Sanctuaries" by Gary Chang in the church, from 18:00

June 27, 20:00, Isola di San Servolo, Venice
Duprass (Ido Govrin & Liora Bedford)
Steve Piccolo & Gak Sato
Cardiotest con Fathi Hassan, Alessandro Pintus e Morena Tamborrino
Mauro Sambo & Ignazio Lago
John Duncan
Dj set Obo Music
Sound Installation "Sanctuaries" by Gary Chang in the church, from 10:00

Date: June 28, 20:00
City: Siena, Italy
Venue: Cattedrale di San Galgano
Sound Installation by Gary Chang and Neil Leonard
17:00 to 23:00
Admission €10
tel. 055 5978308/09 – fax 0555979687

Schedule for Italian Dreams e Sognando L'italia
June 8 - 24 Teatro Junghans (Giudecca) Venezia 
June 10 - July 8 July Rocca dei Rettori, Benevento
July 15 - August 15 Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati

Sponsors include: Regione Lazio, Provincia di Roma, Comune di Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Altrevie, Comune di Frascati, Provincia di Benevento, Regione Campania, Stregheventum, Comune di Venezia, Provincia di Venezia, Teatro Junghans, PIUTTOSTO PUCK,  San Servolo Servizi, Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, TARALABS, WIARD Synthesizers, SOUNDFIELD, t.c.electronic, blue sky, Carlo Gavazzi Space, Telematic Solutions e BLOWUP Magazine.

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